Operations Committee

While TC3 is managed by the Governance Board, a second level of oversight is required to insure that the services provided meet the needs of the public and the First Responder Agencies. This direction and evaluation is the responsibility of a second group of people, distinctly different than the Governance Board. Where members of the Governance Board are representatives of the municipalities and county governments, Operations Committee members are from the First Responder Agencies.
Selection of the Operations Committee members is defined within the Bylaws of the TC3 Intergovernmental Agreement. The method identifies members primarily based upon the majority level of public safety activities by the particular agency. Special consideration is given to rural Fire/EMS agencies because they do not experience the same level of activities as do Police and Law Enforcement agencies.

Click Here for Meeting Agenda’s & Minutes 

Bill ReisMemberEMAIL: Bill Reis
David HornMemberEMAIL: David Horn
Jeff StevensMembreEMAIL: Jeff Stevens
Joe KelleyMemberEMAIL: Joe Kelley
John DosseyChairmanEMAIL: John Dossey
Kevin ByrdMemberEMAIL: Kevin Byrd
Mike EvansMemberEMAIL: Mike Evans
Mike FosterMemberEMAIL: Mike Foster
Mike McIntyreMemberEMAIL: Mike McIntyre
Ryan BeckMemberEMAIL: Ryan Beck
Tim GillespieMemberEMAIL: Tim Gillespie
Trent ReeiseMemberEMAIL: Trent Reeise
Tom HaasMemberEMAIL: Tom Haas